Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghost

The Vampire Diaries

Season 3 episode 7 – “Ghost World”

Dear Diary,

I promised myself that last time would be it, that I wouldn't do it again. I tried but I’m not strong enough. I used another Ghostbusters joke. I know I ended last Vampire Diaries recap with one but it was too easy. I guess I’m just to free a spirit. Ok, I’m done now.
So far on the Vampire Diaries we have reached a point that so many characters have been killed off that an episode can be filled just by bringing back a handful. We return now to Mystic Falls after Bonnie has dispatched Vicki from this plain only to find that something involving magic went wrong. WHAT. I know. As a result fan favourites ghosts are now invading the town equipped with the new “let me interact” app. This all of course coincides with a large group gathering, the 150 year traditional “The Night of Illumination” ceremony, which I like to think started something like this:

Founder 1: Well my good sirs let us be merry we have vanquished all the evil from our land.
Founder 2: But at what cost Founding brother, we still have all these lanterns left?
Founder 3: I have an idea? 

Because everything in this episode seemed to surround one specter or another, I will be recapping most of the main points by Ghost:

Mason (Taylor Kinney): Mason is back, rejoice. Unlike the other ghosts who have been at rest for at least season, Mason’s death is still fresh in my memory. I only just finished recovering from it yesterday. The Mason who appears before us this episode is not the Katherine whipped Mason of old. He’s not just here to poke around for a bit (because he used hot pokers to stab Damon, like Damon stabbed him, symmetry.) He wants redemption by helping Team Salvatore kill Klaus, freeing Tyler from his man crush (alright they call it ‘sire bond’) On a spirit journey fit for a buddy-comedy adventure film Mason and Damon travel behind the Lockwood’s werewolf cellar to a vampire proof room that is meant to hold the secret of a Klaus killing weapon (as long as it’s not a crystal skull, that killed the Secret Circle, RIP.)  

The most important thing to come out of this for me is that whatever “No Vampires Allowed” spell they are using on the cave should be placed on the Gilbert residence immediately. Thank you world I just solved all your problems.

Anna: Anna has been hanging around longer than the other ghosts at this point and it’s through her we learn more about the other side and what a lonely place it is. After Bonnie’s spell part 2 (How to lose your boyfriend in 10 spells or less) last episode they are now able to giggle and flirt and hand hold as if she never died. Saying that Jeremy should not have kissed Anna, he is still dating Bonnie. I am team Janna all the way, he never stopped loving her and when she was killed he was so distraught he tried to become a vampire to stop the pain, but he also started seeing Bonnie. On the flip side I also understand how he would not want to let her go.
I also don’t blame Anna for taking the necklace. She wanted her mum back. The Mum she spent 150 years trying to free from a tomb then lost again. Someone, not me, may have cried when Anna and Jeremy finally let the other go and then started bawling again when Anna and her mother, Pearl (Kelly Hu) were reunited. It wasn’t me. You didn’t see it. It didn’t happen.

Grams (Jasmine Guy): It was great to see Grams again. I appreciated how frank she was about the situation and got things done. She was an excellent adult presence in a show where the adults are often clueless. The reunion between Grams and Bonnie was very sweet and I actually felt sorry for Bonnie, despite the fact she tried a spell given to her by magic wind when she knows that an evil unseen witch is plotting against them. Still she is doing her best in a really messed up situation, plus it led to the second best moment of the episode – Caroline searching the soap dish in Damon’s bathroom for the necklace (cause that’s where they hid the moonstone because it looked like soap!)

The Tomb Vampires: They came back and tried to destroy the town’s founder’s families again and Caroline beats them up, here endth the story. We did get an epic speech from Alaric out of it –
“On behalf of the Mystic Falls Historical Society let’s light em up,” Somewhere Aragon is so mad someone out did his speech.

Lexi (Arielle Kebbel):  I’m sorry to inform everyone but Elena has turned into the hypocrisy monster in her quest to save Stefan. Elena’s denial about Stef’s mass murdering ways is becoming a little to Bella Swan (I felt really terrible typing it believe me) Where’s ‘I don’t want to be a vampire’ Elena we miss her. It was her statement to Anna at the end however that got me really off-side with her: “He’s at the beginning of his life Anna; you’re just holding him back.” Pot meet kettle, the defence rests.

Like the rest of the ghosts I’m happy to see Lexi back. She was fun the first time around and showed a different side to Stefan but her inclusion here felt a little unnecessary. I problem I had with this episode and I saw that others did too was that the ghosts took away the opportunity for the heroes to earn the answers for themselves. All the information was just given to them by characters that we no longer need to be invested in the survival of. It would have been nice to see Damon or Alaric have to dig around to found out how to defeat Klaus or see Elena figure out how to save Stefan herself, without a readymade recipe. It felt like they were skipping a step. Plus Mason didn’t take his shirt off once this episode (Nearly tricked you into thinking I was a serious person.)

Despite all that, an average episode of the Vampire Diaries is a 100 times better than a lot of TV shows at the moment. There were a lot of moments I liked- Alaric and Damon’s continuing bromance is awesome (Damon’s apology, he only meant it to Alaric) the return of the soap dish, everything Jeremy and Anna cause I’m a sap, Anna and Pearl reuniting might be one of my favourite moments of the season and we got movement on the original front, which means KLAUS IS BACK NEXT EPISODE. Sorry did I type to loud.

Last Bites:
  -  Alaric is still mourning his car.
 - Alaric to Damon: “I don’t like you, we’re not friends anymore.”
-  Matt has had enough of the ghost stuff, don’t say I blame him.
  -Mystic Falls, new slogan– ‘A place where you can get your head smashed in public and nobody will notice.’
 - I bet Frodo was glad that the ring didn’t magically come back like that after throwing it into Mount Doom. 
       So diary, that is it for now, until next time when I am expecting very great things. Have you seen the wigs!!

           Hanniebee xoxo 

    What did you guys think of the episode? Not enough Mason for you either?
    And if you can still stand listening to me you can also follow me @Hanniebee852 where I may or may not keep tabs on the cast of the Vampire Diaries. Restraining orders don’t count over the Internet right? J




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