Saturday, May 19, 2012

Of Cabbages and Kings

You know that friend, the weird one who knows the obscure actors in a TV show or can quote random movies lines or starts ever third sentence with remember when this happened on, that’s me, hello. My name is Hannah Bailey, I am a journalism graduate hoping to start my writing career and this phase one (other phases TBD). Welcome to my blog, Pop and Fizz. It’s my own make shift project to combine my love of Pop Culture, writing and the Internet.
There are two things I feel like I must declare before we start, because we’re all friends here:  

       1. I think that I am funny. This is apparently a matter of opinion as you will discover.
       2.  I love Television shows and Movies.

I love watching them, talking about them, reading about them, writing about them. About four years ago I discovered fan fiction and fan forums and went “Yes! These are my people!”  I’m a nerd, there I said it. I know more about TV characters or movie stars or super heroes then is probably healthy but as I keep telling my parents it probably might come in handy in the future maybe.
Ever since I can remember, Television and movies have been very important to me. What I think makes TV shows or films matter so much to me and others is the connection you as a viewer can feel. These characters or stories aren’t real, they don’t actually exist (or so people keep telling me) but you become so invested in their lives positively or negatively, and in turn it connects you to others who feel the same way. It’s the connection to that moment that unites people who may have nothing else in common. It’s the notion that you can quote a throwaway line #SIXSEASONSANDAMOVIE from Community (a fantastically brilliant show) that was not a ‘major joke’ in the episode but can become a war cry that  fans rally behind to try and bring back the show.  It’s moments like this that stick. It is the defining line or scene or song that pops into your head and makes you smile or can leave you heartbroken again just thinking about it that makes TV or film or books or comics so powerful. And they can be different and random and beautiful things for different people.

For some reason the poem the Walrus and the Carpenter is what stands out from Alice and Wonderland Disney movie (OF CABBAGES AND KINGS!)  But for someone else they may find that anything else in the entire movie is what they remember. There are episodes or films that can move you in a way you never expected, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode “The Body” no matter how many times I watch it still gets an emotional reaction from me today, this moment, I’m crying while typing.

This is why I want to write about them and I hope that you would like to join in the discussion with me.
Anyway, that’s my piece for now I hope I haven’t scared you away and that you come back to read or comment on any of my posts. Anything in this blog is my own personal opinion that comes from one Journalism degree and years and years of pop culture consumption. 

You can also follow me on Twitter @Hanniebee852; here apparently you can use it for more than stalking the Vampire Diaries cast, who knew. 

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