Tuesday, June 5, 2012

An Original Tale

The Vampire Diaries

Season 3 episode 8 – “Ordinary People” 

Dear Diary,

Come with me gentle readers of my diary you be, as I tell you a tale of the original vampires three.
Now I’m trying something new, it’s kind of bold, as I repeat the complicated tale of the first vampires of old.
In a dimly lit cave does their eternal tale lie, its location only revealed once poor Mason did die.
Our friends did they stride into the cave taking care, only one amongst them knowing that dreamy Damon was already there.
Elena, the Queen for which two Princes fight had trouble walking without that much light, and was very afraid that some bats were about to take flight.
As our soldiers made way to the tomb where vampires dare not tread, Elena the poor thing probably wished she’d stayed safe in bed.
Alaric, the history teacher and speaker of tongues, magically knew at once that this was a land where people and werewolves came from.
As pictures they took and Foster the People did play, Alaric and co. called it a day.

Back to his study pad, watcher Alaric did fly, where Damon “taught” Elena to try and not die.
The pictures and painting on the walls of the caves seemed to point out half the story of the hottest family ever made.
There wasn’t enough info to completely save the day; for the most part they just looked like some circles drawn with clay.
Elena, in a move quite smart made a play for the brains of Rebekah, not just threatening to put a stake through her heart.

The young blonde at that very moment was cart wheeling away, happy to be a real girl so early in the day.
As a spoiler of sports did Elena appear, announcing she’d release Mikael, something Rebekah did fear.
Rebekah now sad in the present, imagined her families past and tried to not shed a tear. It suddenly turns into flashback, as the screen colour makes clear.

Now flashbacks in the Vampire Diaries are always much fun, here we see Klaus and Elijah unburnt by the sun.
Oh Elijah, we’ve missed you did the world say at large.
Just look at your hair and you arms and your, sorry I’ve just lost the rhyme, let’s just stare then move on.
Now back in the day Klaus was not so bad, it was just that his “dad” Mikael was always so mad.
It turns out that in times even further past, mum Esther and Mikael suffered through a plague so bad.
Now despite not being discovered for another century or two, a witch in the old world knew just what to do.
So the Mikaelsons did pack up and move to the newest of worlds, where they were happy and well fed until their youngest son by the werewolves be dead.

Now the original witch in spite of clues the writers did send, turned out to be so much more than a friend.
Oh, Mother witch, how could your own family you’d slain, turned into the original vampires, I’m sure Buffy is going to have to complain.
Now blessed with speed and strength but crisped under the sun, as promised there was strengths and weaknesses, some good others not that much fun.
While they were the predatory race like Rebekah did boast, they could all be taken down by a while oak tree if whittled into a post.
So they burnt that tree down and looked fantastic in the light, they found that the newly acquired blood lust was much harder to fight.

Life was not so great for the original vamps; particularly Klaus as it turned out mum was a bit of a tramp.
Werewolf and vampire apparently just weren’t meant to mix, so the original mum went for a quick fix.
Daddy Vamp, no angel without Castiel in his sight, got really mad, took out her heart then took flight.
The three lonely vampires the rest of their family torn apart, swore always and forever that they never would part.
That obviously hasn’t always been the case, as a daggered Elijah would attest, but Rebekah still loved her brother, because Rebekah’s the best.
So sad and so old and again having no fun, she thought Elena’d understand having since shared a similar life run.

Still Mike did he wake, cause the Salvatore’s to shake and us to scream “get your hands off our Damon you flake.”
See the younger and older had been at a bar, drinking floozies and beers, somewhere Elena couldn’t get to fast enough by car.
The wise Damon finally had the brother he’d wanted for years, then Mikael came and ruined it announcing some Klaus killing plans that Joseph Morgan fans always fear.
Mikael wanted his eternally living “son” to pay, but Stefan announced half-heartily that he just couldn’t play.
Klaus was his bro, so his answer was no, until his real brother was threatened and love won over all.

Now back at the cave, where the language skills were spreading, as suddenly Elena knew to where all the pictures were heading.
Back to Rebekah she went like a flash, as it turns out Klaus and Mamma witch were actually the ones to clash.
Despair and heartache over took as Rebekah did crumple not knowing where to look.
Centuries of lies had taken there toll, and rightly enough it was time to curl up in a ball.

With neither a real victory in sight, Elena and Damon turned in for the night.
Too tired to care that he was taking up space in her bed, the night after this episode Delena shippers went to sleep with sweet dreams in their head.

I loved this episode very much, it was really the best. Thank you for reading; I hope it wasn’t too much of a test.
A flashback this awesome just seemed to call out to be written like a minstrel’s quest.
I might write another, if I found some more rhymes, but I think I’m running on empty, oh look is that the time.

As you've now done reading and will finish your tea,

I will now forever and always remain,

Your,  Hanniebee

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